After Bipasha Basu, Priyanka Chopra, Deepika Podukone and Preity Zinta, Bollywood actress Aishwarya Rai Bachchan will also be seen on the cover of fashion and lifestyle magazine Vogue India.Former Miss World sports a natural look without any accessories in a new slim avatar. Aishwarya was photographed by ace lens man Farrokh Chothia for the October issue of the magazine, which is being dubbed as the Glamour issue.The shoot was done in London while Ash was there during the last leg of her recently concluded "Unforgettable" tour."Doing the Vogue cover was a promise I made to Anaita (Shroff Adajania) right from the time she joined Vogue. Anaita was having a baby and she wanted me to do it before she delivers," Aishwarya told NDTV from London. She added: "I was to do this shoot last month but I fell ill before I left for the world tour. So, we crossed notes and managed to do it on time in London just after we finished almost the last show of the tour."Anaita Shroff Adajania is the fashion director for Vogue India and she has designed costumes for films like Kal Ho Na Ho, Being Cyrus, Dhoom 2 and upcoming films like Drona, Biloo Barber and Imtiaz Ali's untitled project with Saif Ali Khan and Deepika Padukone.Aishwarya is currently shooting in Peru with Tamil superstar Rajinikanth for her forthcoming Tamil film Enthiren.
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